Forming the image?
Oh! And not to forget the "totally awesome" sunglasses that are oh so suitable even during the night!
Well, anyway...I'm becoming a bit like that, intentionally. I'm kinda liking the whole "it's Ok to look sleep deprived/depressed/totally ready for drugs and some heavy machinery"-look. I guess the Autumn's darkness is bringing this side out of me. Interesting, I must say.
One place, where hipsters are breeding like rats is Camden Town in London. Amazing. Just the perfect place for my above described girl. Camden Town is truly what I'd call "Hipster Heaven", the shops, galleries and pubs embrace it. Be different! is the motto.
Here's a bit of Camden for ya
Total Hipster pool eh?!
At this point, some of you might still not get what on earth I'm talking about.."Hipsters..hmmm", no worries I'm here to enlighten you.
Being a hipster isn't only about the fashion, it's also about life style. You want to dress and live courageously, absolutely outrageously, you don't care about mixing prints or drinking a pint at 9 in the morning, you live freely without boundaries or hauntings of what other people might say.
Now, if you feel like becoming a hipster after reading this, then have a little look at these guiding photos.
Time to rock that Hipster look.
pspspspps..please note a bit of sarcasm here and there.
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